Dutch Art Institute
A DAI-Private Project curated by Mark Kremer with contributions by John Heymans
2008-09  Theory Literature Presentations/Lectures Practice Results
2009-10  Theory Literature Presentations/Lectures Practice Results

Project 2010


In May/June 2010 students will make a trip to ‘an enchanted island’ in the South of Siberia. We will take the Trans-Siberian Railway from Moscow to Irkutsk. This journey is, in part, about the experience of the trip itself, moving from one place to another, and reaching our destination: the island Olkhon in the Baikal Lake, Siberia (nota bene: Siberia is a gigantic region that comprises almost the whole area of Northern Asia). On Olkhon, the largest island within a lake, there is a steep mountain, Mount Zhima, and many holy places amongst which the famous Shaman Rock.

The Trip >

Final Presentations
Alongside the theoretical itinerary of the workshop, students develop work that connects with issues put forward in the collective and individual meetings, work that is based on an individual urgency. The work will be presented as a series of ‘Exhibitions of an Hour’ in the DAI project room in the month of June and during the DAI-week. The ‘Exhibitions of an Hour’ are curated and supervised by Mark Kremer. John Heymans will be our critical & sympathetical observer.

Exhibitions of an Hour >