proposal nikos doulos

Nikos Doulos - Scale

Our surrounding is constructed of systems. Systems develop and mingle and expand and give birth to other systems. We are part of them whether we are aware of it or not. Awareness rises through observation. We observe and research and come up with theories. Theories get examined and verified and in some cases turn to laws. Laws exist and apply before and after we ‘discover’ them. They form a structure in understanding the systems we are involved in.
The earth is moving and the world is evolving. Science is seeking for the truth and poetry is lost and found in between.

‘Scale’ is an outdoor installation aiming to emphasize poetry found in nature, through the law of gravitation.
I propose the construction of four metal scales around the four main trees in the entrance of the Horst Gebouw. The scales will weigh all light objects falling onto the ground (leaves, branches, rain, etc.).

Every scale consists of eight metal plates, size 1,50m x 1,50m. All plates are acid free and 3mm thick. A metal structure is being designed to hold them, and a sensitive sensor is set underneath each one of them, measuring the weight of every object falling on it. All eight sensors lead to a processing unit that constantly adds the results coming from every plate. There are four trees therefore four platforms and four processing units that all connect to a main one. The main unit sums up the total weight, which in the end appears in digits on a digital display in front of the Horst building.

Why does anyone need to measure the weight of leaves or heavy rain falling on the ground? Is there a practical aspect in this?
‘Scale’ is an art work, aiming to pose questions rather then provide answers.
‘Scale’ attempts to emphasize the beauty of observation, using technology to awaken it.

proposal nikos doulos

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